Will you Help Us Wish Jean Brooks a Happy 100th Birthday?

Dear Friends and Family,

I hope this letter finds you doing well and thanking our Heavenly Father for life and health!

I am writing to ask you to be a part of a SURPRISE birthday gift that my seven siblings and I are planning for Mother, to help her celebrate 100 years of life.

You may know that on August 30, 2022, Jean will be 100 years old. Having recently suffered a stroke, she is in no condition to be the honoree at a party this year, as we have done several times in the past. So, we, her children, are hoping to create a birthday scrapbook-photo album for her, filled with letters, stories and pictures from you, her friends.

You have been a part of, and have deeply enriched, Mother’s life for the past seven years, and we are inviting you to take a moment to let her know what knowing her has meant to you. I can provide you with some stationery on which to write your memories, or a letter to her, or you may use your own 8.5″ x 11″ paper. You can describe a memorable time you shared, or express your best wishes, or tell her how she has influenced your life. We would most like to have your thoughts written, rather than typed.

If you have a recent photo or yourself, or of you and your family, or of you with Mother, you may send a digital copy to Harriet@harrietcash.com, or you may include a hard copy with your letter and we will include them in her album. Please describe who, what, when and where the photo was taken so we can properly label it. (Sorry, but we cannot return the photos so please send us a copy if you wish to keep the original.)

Jean is now in a wheelchair and has no use of her right arm and right leg. Her speech was not affected, and she still recognizes everyone.

Can you imagine how many hours she will spend looking at her album and thinking fondly of you?

We hope to present this album to her on her birthday, August 30th.

Please return your thoughts/memory and photos to me or to the church office as soon as possible, to allow us time to complete her album.

Thank you for your contribution to this special gift! The time and effort you put into your thoughts/memory will mean the world to Mother. She is truly a “treasure” in our lives. She treasures each of you, and I know this album will be a treasure to her.

Please email me, Harriet, with any questions, at harriet@harrietcash.com or call me at (423) 827-4167.

God Bless You!
