The Beginning of All Things: Genesis through Deuteronomy
Have you ever wondered what the scriptures teach about the origin of the universe? What about the patriarchs, who were they, and why are they important? What relevance does the account of the exodus of the Hebrews from the land of Egypt have for Christian growth? What can the seemingly tedious ceremonial laws of Leviticus as well as the long list of names in Numbers teach us about godly living? How should a believer read and reflect on the five books of Moses collectively called the Pentateuch (or Torah)? How do these five books “fit in” to the over-arching story of scripture? These questions and more will be explored as we seek to understand this section of God’s Word.
Click Here for the Class Schedule and Scripture Passages
LESSON 1: Creation through the Fall – click here for the notes
LESSON 2: The Salvation of Man: Noah’s Flood, Abraham’s Call, and Isaac’s Birth – click here for the notes
LESSON 3: Genesis 22 – Click Here for the Notes
LESSON 4: The Promise Continued – Click Here for the Notes
LESSON 5: God’s Great Deliverance – Click Here for the Notes
LESSON 6: A People of the Covenant- Click Here for the Notes
LESSON 7: People of the Presence – Click Here for the Notes
LESSON 8: The Ceremonies of Redemption – Click Here for the Notes
LESSON 9: Holiness Defined – Click Here for the Notes
LESSON 10: Holiness Celebrated – Click Here for the Notes
LESSON 11: In the Desert: God’s Promise in Dry Places – Click Here for the Notes
LESSON 12: The Curse of a Blessing – Click Here for the Notes
LESSON 13: A Retelling of God’s Story- Click here for the notes
LESSON 14: The Commissioning of the Covenant Community– Click here for the notes
LESSON 15: Prosperity, Problems, and a Prophet – Click here for the notes