Finding your Place in God’s Story: The Covenant of Grace and Everyday Life
Taught by Greg Baney
Winter 2015
This class will take you step by step through the covenants of the Bible and help you understand the over-arching plot of scripture through the lens of God’s Covenant of Grace. We will explore the aspect of God’s covenant through its various administrations throughout the Old and New testaments and answer the question:
- What does each sub-plot mean for our lives today?
- What role do we play in God’s story of redemption?
- How does a promise made so many centuries ago to Noah, Abraham and David have an impact on my life?
The objective of this class is to equip you with the confidence to read and understand scripture and find your place in the continuing story of God’s redemptive grace.
Lesson 1: Covenant of Creation/Works – Click Here for the Notes
Lesson 2: Beginnings of the Covenant of Grace – Click Here for the Notes
Lesson 3: Noahic Covenant- Click Here for the Notes
Lesson 4: Abrahamic Covenant Part 1 – Click Here for the Notes
Lesson 5: Abrahamic Covenant Part 2- Click Here for the Notes
Lesson 6: The Mosaic Covenant- Click Here for the Notes
Lesson 7: The Davidic Covenant- Click Here for the Notes
Lesson 8: Life In the Covenant- Click Here for the Notes
Lesson 9: The New Covenant Introduced- Click Here for the notes
Lesson 10: The New Covenant Exhibited- Click Here for the Notes
Lesson 11: The New Covenant Realized- Click Here for the Notes